Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Azores Bullfinch

The Azores Bullfinch, or Priolo, is endemic to the island of Sao Miguel in the Azores. It was once quite widespread until a few decades ago when farmers started shooting them because of crop damage. This beautiful finch is now only found in the eastern part of the island, mainly on wooded hillsides around Pico de Vara. A chance meeting with one of the whale spotters (vigias) near Ponta Delgada, led us to explore a different site that was not as far to drive and we were amazed to find over a dozen Bullfinches feeding in a field. I was thrilled to see such a rare bird and was quite content to enjoy pleasant but, from a photographer's viewpoint, distant views. That was until one bird flew from the field and landed in a bush quite close to our car from which I was able to obtain an acceptable photograph.

Both sexes of the Azores Bullfinch resemble
the female Eurasian Bullfinch.

Madeiran Wall Lizards are common on the rocks around
the harbour in Ponta Delagda.

This Loggerhead Turtle was seen on a whale-watching trip.
Common Buzzard.

Azorean Yellow-legged Gull - because of the abundant fish scraps
in the harbour at Ponta Delagada these gulls flatly refused to come
to bread!

Azorean race of Chaffinch.

You might also like:
Wildlife of the Azores

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